GW2- Dungeons Anonymous (DA)
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About Dungeons Anonymous

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About Dungeons Anonymous Empty About Dungeons Anonymous

Post  Admin Mon Nov 05, 2012 9:53 pm

We are a "Guild" that is for people wanting to do dungeons and are sick of jumping from map to map to find a random PUG'er they don't know. The idea behind this guild is really to serve as a focused chat channel/database for people looking for a PUG, or wanting to discuss different dungeons.

We do not expect anyone to "Commit" to our guild. If you want to represent another guild while you are not looking to run a dungeon that is perfectly fine with us.

There is an application you must fill out to join, but it is mostly for other players to see what you tend to run, your play style, etc. The only "Requirement" is you have to have a character at least level 30, as that is the minimum level you must be to do the lowest level dungeon. In addition we only want mature, respectful players, so if you have a tendency to rage when things don't go your way, this probably is not your guild.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2012-11-05

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