GW2- Dungeons Anonymous (DA)
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juanticimo application

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juanticimo application Empty juanticimo application

Post  Juanticimo Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:51 am

Do you have a character above level 30?
// Yes I have 2 80s

Would you consider yourself a mature and respectful player?
// well I'm in my 30s and have children, but I do like to have fun and joke around too.

Do you have a tendency to rage or troll?
//No, not enough time in the day for that nonsense.

What is your play style?(i.e. Casual, Hardcore)
// Casual for the most part, I used to play Wow very HC though so I am familiar with sticking around when I need to.

What kind of build(s) do you tend to run?(i.e Damage, Balanced, Support, etc.)
With My guard i use a DPS with Utilk traits. IE: shouts.
Mesmer: As much Support as possible. Staff. Null Field, Time warp etc.

List the name(s) of your character(s) and their class and level.
Juanticimo Level 80 Guardian
Ojalla Level 80 Mesmer
various alts. None above level 20

Do you have a favorite dungeon? if so which one?
I really liek Arah, and CoF, and AC

Thanks Jon


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-11-06

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