GW2- Dungeons Anonymous (DA)
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Interested applicant!

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Interested applicant! Empty Interested applicant!

Post  thatoneblonde Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:52 pm

Do you have a character above level 30?
Yes! 2 in fact. An elementalist at 80 and a ranger at 80.

Would you consider yourself a mature and respectful player?

Do you have a tendency to rage or troll?
Neither - I'm usually more the mediator!

What is your play style?(i.e. Casual, Hardcore)
I'm a frequent and dedicated player, with a record of being vaulted into officer ranks within weeks of joining guilds in any MMO from my very first. XD I'm a chatty, involved, and chipper kinda gal and can't help but being social. I spend a lot of my free time gaming simply because it's a beloved hobby of mine!

What kind of build(s) do you tend to run?(i.e Damage, Balanced, Support, etc.)
I've historically been DPS though I adore my Ele because I'm one of the few I know that has specced deep into being able to provide more heals when properly attuned.

List the name(s) of your character(s) and their class and level.


Number of lowbies I'm still toying with.

Do you have a favorite dungeon? if so which one?

No real favorite to be honest - I still haven't done them all in story and have only done 2 explorables but have enjoyed them!


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-11-06

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Interested applicant! Empty Re: Interested applicant!

Post  Admin Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:22 am

Welcome to the guild! =)


Posts : 8
Join date : 2012-11-05

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