GW2- Dungeons Anonymous (DA)
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Please love me.

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Please love me. Empty Please love me.

Post  Geoffica Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:56 pm

Do you have a character above level 30?
Yes, I'm a level 80.

Would you consider yourself a mature and respectful player?

Do you have a tendency to rage or troll?

What is your play style?(i.e. Casual, Hardcore)
Fairly casual. I'm on a goodly amount, but I do consider this to be a game, not a lifestyle.

What kind of build(s) do you tend to run?(i.e Damage, Balanced, Support, etc.)
Right now I'm set up for damage, since I'm doing solo work all the time. I'm happy to change to whatever the guild would prefer, though, and am always open for suggestions.

List the name(s) of your character(s) and their class and level.
Dotsky, Level 80 Mesmer

I have other low-level characters, but I'm not doing anything with them, just trying out different classes.

Do you have a favorite dungeon? if so which one?
I've only had the opportunity to run AC


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-11-07

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Please love me. Empty Re: Please love me.

Post  Admin Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:24 pm

Welcome to Dungeon's Anonymous!

Also, why would we not love you... Question


Posts : 8
Join date : 2012-11-05

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